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International Consortium members


 Deepak Kalaskar

Professor Bioengineering, UCL, UK

A multidisciplinary scientist with extensive experience in research, management and education in the area of biomaterials and tissue engineering, 3D printing and Bioprinting. He is Editor of 3 Books in the field of 3D printing in medicine, Nanomedicine and surgery. He has published over 95 scientific publications in internationally peer reviewed journals, several invited book chapters, guest presentations at various institutions abroad. He is working with various industrial, clinical and academic collaborations and involved in extensive scientific consultancy.
He has contributed to studies and policy documents in 3D printing & 3D Bioprinting and reviewed them for UK patent office, UK Parliamentary Department of Science & Technology (POST). Contributed to Media reports and expert opinions in English, Spanish and Italian languages for international science magazines.

He is the deputy director of MSc course in Burns, Plastic and Reconstructive surgery at University College London (UCL) and actively involved in clinically translational research. He is working closely with number of industries for the development of new products and processes required for clinical translation.

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